Last Week - 27th December

Last Week

Last Week is a weekly column with an emphasis in articles and posts that I read and appreciated, it is a collection from a dozen of different sources. All the content shared is made by people which I believe that would highly appreciate your feedback, so don't forget to say thank you.

If you have a topic you would like to see reflected in this Last Week initiative, please leave a comment below!

This week is composed by some older content since it is the middle of the holidays, hope you enjoy it.

Happy holidays!!!



Azure Machine Learning - Workspace Management with Terraform

This one is specially dedicated to the multi-cloud fans, now in General Availability, it's possible to manage Workspaces in Azure Machine Learning using Terraform's template-based configuration. 

Check out more information in Microsoft's official documentation: Manage Azure Machine Learning workspaces using Terraform


AKS Configuration Management - GitOps

The Azure Kubernetes Service configuration management feature is now in public preview. This feature provides the same first party GitOps capability to AKS. Customers can use the Azure REST API, CLI, Portal, ARM templates, and Bicep to manage Flux in these clusters. GitOps in AKS is included at no extra cost.

Check out more information in Microsoft's official documentation: GitOps in Azure


Microsoft Defender for Containers adds new capabilities for Kubernetes

Now in Public Preview, Microsoft Defender for Containers, merges the capabilities from Azure Defender for Kubernetes and Azure Defender for Container registries, and adds several new and improved features related to Kubernetes on Azure.

Some of new and improve features include:

  • AKS Profile for frictionless onboarding & maintenance;
  • Multi cloud support;
  • Runtime visibility of vulnerabilities;
  • Continuous image scanning;

Check out more information in Microsoft's official documentation: Microsoft Defender for Cloud



Do you like advents? Well, c#pers do

If you didn't had the opportunity to follow up the C# 2021 Advent Calendar, here is the link where you can check 25 great C# articles:


How to Upgrade a Codebase from .NET Framework to .NET 6

So you got some legacy code to upgrade? .NET 6 is your goal? Check out Christian Findlay lengthy post on what to do with a legacy codebase, what are the possible approaches and the main pitfalls when upgrading from .NET Framework.

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String Interpolation Trickery and Magic with C# 10 and .NET 6

Improving your code performance with some magic is always a good approach, however readability and maintainability are also important specially when we take into account query building using Strings. Brant Burnett explores the issue in this post, from the changes in .NET 6 to the capabilities and best approaches to the problem of string redability.

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Modern API data-fetching methods in React

Understanding how to fetch data into React applications is mandatory for every React developer who aims to build modern, real-world web applications. Different approaches can be taken when loading data through API consumption, check out Ibadehin Mojeed post and take some ideas for your next project.

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Building Reusable UI Components

Yes, building true reusable UI components can be highly complex, the fast taken approach is usually abstraction, however it can turn the component into a mess of props. Harsh Choudhary explains how to taken into account the trade-off between time, maintainability and complexity escalation. 

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Understanding re-rendering and memoization in React

How React re-renders components can be highly complex to understand, specially if you want to improve your code performance. Check out Kolby Sisk post explaining this concepts and making sure you take the next step into highly efficient rendering.

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Software Architecture

The evolution of how we host our applications

Vetle Bu Solgård takes us on a history lesson regarding application hosting and how much we evolved from bare metal deployments.

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Don’t Start With Microservices – Monoliths Are Your Friend

As engineers we feel the pressure to follow industry trends, however new is not always better. There isn't a one size fit all yet, therefore architects need to understand when to use the tools at their disposal. Arnold Galovics opens his mind on the subject and tells us some of his experience which I highly relate. We aren't all Netflix you know?

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Build a Spotify System Architecture

One of my favorite discussions is to try to deconstruct a highly complex application into actionable developments, to this end JIN present us with an approach on how to build a highly scalable, distributed music streaming service based on Spotify use-case. I had a blast reading this article, so I hope you do too.

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Filipe Teixeira

Filipe Teixeira

Hello, I'm a CS Engineer with 9 years of experience and a passion for technology. Currently I work for Datadog as a Software Engineer.
Any opinions expressed are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of any employer at the particular time.

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